The Short Story
I like shorts. A lot. And these are one of my favorite go-tos. They’re from American Eagle Outfitters and I practically live in them when the weather is warm enough, which it usually is in LA. But as the temperatures drop, if ever-so-slightly, like it did on this overcast day, I’ll throw on a sweatshirt or sweater so I can keep wearing my beloveds without feeling the chill.
The shorts I’m wearing here are long gone from stores, but I own these too, and they run a close second in my heart. My sweatshirt is Forever 21. Shopping there is one of my need-a-quick-fix guilty pleasures. Want one? Click here.
And the shoes are Sergio Rossi. I got them after interviewing, and falling for, then-designer Edmundo Castillo for E!. I’ve made awesome memories in those things! Can’t wait to see where they’ll take me next.
Oh, and, I also like to smile. I’m not super good at duck face, though I sometimes try. But, if given the choice, I’ll choose laughter any day.